
Chat & date with gay, bisexual,
bi-curious, and trans men near you


Chat & date with gay, bisexual,
bi-curious, and trans men near you


Chat & date with gay, bisexual,
bi-curious, and trans men
near you

Dating for men

Dating for men

Dating for men


Guys near you & worldwide


Diversity & community


Friends, dates, or more

A Wapo screen showing guys in your area
A Wapo screen showing guys in your area
A Wapo screen showing guys in your area

Verified photos

Real people, real profiles,
fully moderated


Photos, videos, voice notes


See who's into you

Introducing Places

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Discover queer venues worldwide. Effortlessly.

"Places" offers the most complete, up-to-date LGBTQ+ guide in the world. Free from outdated info and overwhelming ads. With over 5000 LGBTQ+ venues, it is your essential gay map when at home or abroad.

Two screens showing the QLIST map view and venue view.

Introducing Places

Powered by

Discover queer venues worldwide. Effortlessly.

"Places" offers the most complete, up-to-date LGBTQ+ guide in the world. Free from outdated info and overwhelming ads. With over 5000 LGBTQ+ venues, it is your essential gay map when at home or abroad.

Two screens showing the QLIST map view and venue view.

Introducing Places

Powered by

Discover queer venues worldwide. Effortlessly.

"Places" offers the most complete, up-to-date LGBTQ+ guide in the world. Free from outdated info and overwhelming ads. With over 5000 LGBTQ+ venues, it is your essential gay map when at home or abroad.

Two screens showing the QLIST map view and venue view.


Loved by users


“A good app, free from bots and with unlimited blocking, which is much appreciated.“


Spain 🇪🇸


“A fun and fast-working app. Safe and anonymous (as anonymous as you want to be 😉). Definitely give it a try. Enjoy!“


The Netherlands 🇳🇱


"I love this app; it's one of my favorites. I met my best relationship through your app.“


Spain 🇪🇸


“This stands out from other apps that seem fictitious or full of bad intentions. This app is truly different from the rest. Highly recommended!“


France 🇫🇷


“Great place to meet, chat, and maybe occasionally meet someone. Easy to block unwanted profiles and easy to connect with profiles you like. Discreet and friendly. I like it!“


Spain 🇪🇸


“I like the app. I also appreciate its integration with Google Translate.“


United States 🇺🇸




Loved by users

Loved by users



Media resources

You can download the Wapo logo here. For instruction on our logo usage, please check our Brand Guidelines. For inquiries or additional details, contact [email protected].

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We take our responsibilities in regards to your data very seriously. We aim to fully comply with GDPR and to be as open as possible with you regarding how we use your data. If you have any questions, you can contact us on [email protected].